The Great Decision

The Great Decision by Cliff Sloan and David McKean is a highly engaging book about the early days of the United States and the Supreme Court. It is more than…

Purple: The New Red

Stardate, oh wait, that's pajama boy talk. It had been a while since I last visited Quark's Place, and I was definitely overdue for some Guinness and Tribble Sweat. The…

40 Years After the Eagle Landed

Forty years ago today, the Eagle landed on the Moon, marking one of the most exciting events in the exploration of space. Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong made the landing,…

MarCon 44 AER

Elements of the IKV Rakehell rendezvoused with the JaPa, the Cold Death Quadrant commander, and additional elements of the CDQ (Black Thunder, Ice Dagger, Phantom Cat, Warhammer) at MarCon 44/KAG…

Non-SF Genre Movies

I'm doing a panel at an upcoming convention on non-SF/F/H genre movies that fans should see. This panel was a big success at Convergence last year, so now I'm taking…