AER MarsCon2011

MarsCon 2011 has come and gone. To start off with, a good time was had by all (and if you didn't have fun, that's your own fault, not mine!). Alexis…

True Grit

Yesterday I committed sacrilege. I went to see the Coen brothers remake of True Grit, one of John Wayne’s most famous films. A lot of people have already tackled the…

Voyage of the Dawn Treader

On Saturday we (Me and the family) went to see The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader. This is the third movie in the series. It was also…

Of Jedi Tea Patriots and Beer

Captain's Log, Stardate, oh, wait, that's pajama boy stuff. We made it back to DS9 and Quark’s place. Rocky-wan Viterbo looked quite depressed over the loss of the Millennium Albatross.…

Marines 235th Anniversary

Today is the 235 Anniversary of the United States Marines. From During the American Revolution, many important political discussions took place in the inns and taverns of Philadelphia, including…

The Rescue

Captain's Log, Stardate, oh, wait, that's pajama boy stuff. Rambo Viterbo's Millennium Albatross dropped out of hyperspace on the edge of the Alderaan system. "That's odd," said Viterbo. "We're in…

Beyond This Horizon

Beyond This Horizon by Robert A. Heinlein is an intriguing look at a futuristic Utopia, or more like a semi-Utopia. This is one of Heinlein’s early novels, first published in…