Clan MacKlingon

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Background on the Clan

From out of the Mighty Highlands of Qo’noS, long, long ago, arose a great and noble Warrior, who became leader of one of the most powerful clans in the history of the Empire. The clan was MacKlingon. MacKlingon’s rose up to do to battle with batleth’s in hand, and the skirl of bagpipes to chill the nerves of their enemies, and never has this noble clan of Highland Klingons seen defeat.

They built castles and cities along the rivers and lochs of the lands they occupied, the greatest of which was Kaer MacKlingon.

The Northern Highlands of Qo’noS is where the mighty Highlanders hail from. The typical highlander revels in the hunt, battle (like any true Klingon), and strong drink. They are a lusty race that lives for today, and worries about tomorrow when it comes.

Legends of Highland Qo’noS

In the land of the MacKlingon’s many legends abound, including one about a monster that lives in the deepest of the great Highland Lochs. This monster, though never photographed is said to have been seen for many generations. Warriors would go out in search of the monster, to prove their valor and battleworth, only to return home with naught to tell, save for the occasional warrior who never returned, of whom it is said they met the great beast of the Loch.

The monster takes its name from the loch in which it lives, thus it is called the Loch Kirk Monster, and it is rumored to have one helluva hair piece.

The Highland Bards of Qo’noS

Highland Bards are renowned for the bawdy drinking songs and tales of battle and bardic expertise, each clan names a clan bard to record and pass down the songs unique for each clan. The bard is proficient in the telling of the ways, song, and versed in a number of instruments and is responsible for creating new stories and songs depicting great historical events within the clan in addition to preserving the many tales that had been passed down to him.