Bob Hope Departs for Sto-Vo-Kor
Although this will be in every paper in the world, I thought it prudent to mention it here. Bob Hope, one of the greatest (mayhaps THE greatest) entertainers of all…
J.G. Hertzler at London Forbidden Planet
The Alien Online has a notice that General Martok will be doing a booksigning at Forbidden Planet in London today, July 28th.
DeSanto on Galactica
Tom DeSanto talks about the Sci-Fi Channel's upcoming Battlestar Galactica mini-sereis over on Sci-Fi Wire. It's an interesting piece, and worth the read. Personally, I'd like to see what Richard…
Walter “Matt” Jefferies Dies at 82
For those who haven't heard, Matt Jefferies passed away on July 21, 2003. He was the Art Designer for the original Star Trek series in the 1960's. Sci-fi Wire as…
First Heinlein Novel to be Published
Over on Locus Magazine Online, there is a short blurb about For Us, The Living, the FIRST novel written by Robert A. Heinlein, all copies having thought to have been…