Of Jedi Tea Patriots and Beer

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Captain’s Log, Stardate, oh, wait, that’s pajama boy stuff.

We made it back to DS9 and Quark’s place. Rocky-wan Viterbo looked quite depressed over the loss of the Millennium Albatross. The Princess, Michele something-or-another, was looking ready to have Mugato steak for dinner, a concept that didn’t go down well with Chewie. The R2 unit continued to chirp, whistle, and whir.

“What a ragtag circus of fleabags,” Quark said when he walked over to us at the bar. “What’ll it be? The usual?”

“Yeah, Guinness with a tribble sweat chaser,” I responded. “Same for the rest.”

At that, the Princess quipped, “Make mine a Long Island Iced Tea.”

Quark quickly laid out the drinks in front of us. Viterbo took a deep pull of his Guinness, then began to sob in his suds. “I can’t believe I lost my ship.”

Quark looked at him, said, “The Millennium Albatross? Gone”

“Yeah. Now Darth Biden has it.”

“Ya know, I have a cousin who deals in used starships, and he may have a Grumman Albatross laying around somewhere,” Quark said.

Viterbo perked up, “Really?”

“Yeah, and I am sure he’ll let it go for a few dozen bars of latinum.”


“Don’t worry, Viterbo, there was a reward for my rescue,” said the Princess. “I am sure it will be enough to buy you a new ship.” She took a sip of her Long Island Iced Tea. Turns out it is the preferred drink of Tea Party Patriots across the galaxy. “But first we need to get this R2 unit and the plans it carries to the Tea Party headquarters.”

I finished my Guinness, shot the tribble sweat down, and slammed the empty shot glass down on the bar, rim first. Quark winced. “Will you ever stop doing that, Kahuna!”

Answer to that, probably not.

“Well, Princess, I could take you in the Kowabunga,” I offered. Of course, the crew wouldn’t be too happy about that. They wanted to try out another Wave Maker 2012 Palinizer somewhere.

“I think the Mugato and the fleabag can take it from here, Kahuna,” she said. “Thanks, anyway.”

“Anything you say, Princess. Besides, I think my crew is looking forward to a little deep-space surfing.” Quark brought me a second round, I made short work of it, then headed over to Tunok’s for a steak.

Kahuna out.