The Rescue

Captain's Log, Stardate, oh, wait, that's pajama boy stuff. Rambo Viterbo's Millennium Albatross dropped out of hyperspace on the edge of the Alderaan system. "That's odd," said Viterbo. "We're in…

Beyond This Horizon

Beyond This Horizon by Robert A. Heinlein is an intriguing look at a futuristic Utopia, or more like a semi-Utopia. This is one of Heinlein’s early novels, first published in…

Kahuna Meets Rambo Viterbo

Captain’s Log, Stardate, oh wait, that’s pajama boy stuff. Mos Eisley Spaceport. No where in the galaxy is there a greater den of inequity, except maybe DS9. It is an…

Distress Signal

Captain's Log, Stardate, oh, wait, that's pajama boy stuff. We were out near a planet called Tatooine, looking for some good surf, and failing completely to find any. Thinking it…

The Expendables

The other night I attended a private screening of The Expendables. Yes, I am a little late getting to the dance for this Box Office smash from Sylvester Stallone, but…