OryCon 30, Part 1

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We made it! Sue, Anna and I made it to OryCon. We’re now into the second day, and this is proving to be one heckuva good con. Registration said they were expecting about 1500 people. With the size of the hotel, it is not very crowded, which is nice when traveling the awesome daughter.

Harry Turtledove is the Guest of Honor. I caught a panel he was on concerning writing future histories. Steven Barnes moderated a great panel on researching alternative histories. Both very interesting and informative.

The party scene seems to be a bit slow. Only one room party that we were aware of. It was a good party with a pirate theme.

On the main events level, there was dancing and a Star Trek party hosted by the Portland Area Costumers Guild.

One interesting side theme here is “Steampunk.” Lot’s of steampunk costumes and a group putting on a panel that is standing room only.

Also on the cool side is an Internet Cafe. Handy for live blogging the event.

More to come later. Maybe tomorrow.