Flipper Says No Bloodbath On Bajor

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Stardate, oh wait, that’s pajama boy talk.

Quark’s place was jammed packed for Happy Hour by the time I got there. Still, I managed to find a spot at the bar, and looked around for the Doctor. I knew the Doctor was on DS9 as I spotted the familiar blue Police Call Box next to Cthulu Coffee on the Promenade. As I didn’t see him around Quark’s I figured it wouldn’t be long before he turned up, and then maybe I can convince him to head over to tunok’s Kill and Grill for some roast Mugatu.

Quark noticed my arrival and sidled up to me, setting a pint of Guinness and a shot glass of Tribble Sweat on the bar. “You look thirsty, Kahuna. Dry run?”

“Yep. Not a decent wave in sight and the Duras Sisters are still ticked at me for unloading 60 cases of ketchup on them. I need to make it up to them somehow so that I can lay may hands on something better than a Ripple Ranger torpedo.”

“Try sending them a few cases of Tribble Sweat,” Quark suggested. “Then maybe they’ll stop confusing you with Flipper Kerry.” Quark had a slight grin on his face as he said that.

I mustered up my best evil eye on Quark, which only caused him to laugh in hysterics. At least it caused his ears to hurt.

“Speaking of Flipper, have you seen the latest?” I asked.

“No,” Quark said, now putting on his best business like poker face. “Do tell.”

“There’s a youviewscreen.com video running around of him spouting off on how if the Federation were to withdraw from Bejoran space there wouldn’t be any kind of fallout or massacre. No need to worry about the Cardassians rolling back in, either. He compared it to Vietnam and said there were no mass killings when the Federation pulled out of there either.”

“There wasn’t?”

“Not unless you count the roughly 165,000 people killed in the reeducation camps. Or the nearly 3 million wiped out in the neighboring system.”

“And this is all on youviewscreen.com?”


“He must be pretty stupid,” Quark said.


“So, just how did he get to be a Senator, anyway?”

I looked at him in all seriousness and said, “Beats the heck out of me…I’m from Qo’noS, not Massachusetts.”

“Must have been the ketchup money,” Quark said., grinning.

“More likely there was something in the ketchup.”

At this point the Doctor showed up with two good looking companions, Nissa and Tegan. At least these two aren’t Vulcans. Time for dinner.

Kahuna out.
