The IKV Rakehell hosted a “Day of Honor” celebration, commemorating the 40th anniversary of the original broadcast of the Star Trek episode “Errand of Mercy.” This is the first episode to feature the Klingon empire, with John Colicos as the first major Klingon, Kor, and Victor Lundin as Kor’s aide.
Although the original broadcast took place on March 23rd, it was decided that the event would be hosted during MiniCon, as one of the Rakehellers already had a room at the con which could be used for the event.
Ten members of the Rakehell made an appearance at the event, some in uniform, others not. Many friends of the Empire stopped in and paid their respects and toasted the Empire.
Part of the plan was to watch the episode, however, due to technical difficulties, we ended up moving to the next room where that hosting party had a projection system, and the episode was watched by a horde of fans, both Klin and otherwise. We cheered for Kor and the Klingons and hissed the Feddies.
It was a fun evening to sit around drinking Blood Wine and socializing. Hopefully, this will become more of an annual event for the local KAG members.