Baycon 2006, update 3

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Baycon 2006 day 3 is complete, and a long day it was.

We got a bit of a late start, so I missed the 10 AM panel I was interested in. Oh well. Come to think of it, I missed most of the panels I was interested in.

Sue and I did manage to get there in time to watch, and play, The Match Game SF. This was modeled after the ‘70s game show of the same name, where a panel of judges and a player are given a line, like, “Captain Kirk beams down to the planet of Amazon Women and says, ‘Men set phasers on blank.'” And the player has to match what the judges write down for filling in the blank. Since it was a PG rated show (closer to G rated), “euphemism” very quickly became a running gag.

I did manage to win a bunch of stuff for “Casa de Fruita”, a World Con bid in Hollistor for 2008. Sue and Anna also got to play a round of match Game, but didn’t do as well as me.

We then went to lunch at the coffee garden, were we the center of the universe as fans going from point A to point B generally passed by our table. Gina, an old friend joined us, and we ended up spending two hours there. Fortunately, the staff wasn’t busy, and we weren’t tying up a table.

After that, I headed of to play Munchkin Massacre, which involved playing the game Munchkin with every game and supplement release. We ended up calling the game at about 6:20, with me in the lead, and the “organizer” ending in a close second. Much fun was had by all.

Next up was dinner, off site, with some friends, and we managed to get caught up with things there and learned that in Bay Area Fandom, everyone knows Larry Colin. Go figure!

We made it back for party time. While Sue went up to Dorothy’s secret Bachelorette Party, I headed down to the main party zone to hang out with various friends at Mara’s Bar (AKA, Klingon Central).

All in all, it’s been a good con. One (short) day left. I’ll report on it, as well as post pictures, sometime tomorrow, after we get home from CA.