MarsCon 2006, Final Report

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Marscon 2006 Final Report

I know this has been a bit delayed, however, it is FINALLY up. Apologies for the delay, however, between new-daddyhood and other commitments, time has been in short supply.

Sqotty MacKlingon
Sqotty MacKlingon in the Rakehell Party Room.

Okay, I have to say something about the shirt I am wearing. It was a hit with nearly everyone at the con (there were two exceptions…no names, but initials are S an T).

As for the rest of the pics, please click on the thumbnails to see full-sized images. I try to be respectful of people’s bandwidth, as not everyone has broadband, and in some areas, even dialup can be slower than molasses.

Winged Dancer
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Winged Dancer – this was a fine costume created (and worn) by one of the local belly dancers.

Angie and Holly
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Angie and Holly – recent recruits onto the IKV Rakehell.

Anna and Fluffy
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My daughter, Anna, with Fluffy.

What’s Fluffy going to do when Anna starts talking and calls him "Uncle Fluffy?"

Fluffy is with the World Defense Force, which put on one heckuva great party room, celebrating the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It was so dark in their party room, illuminaed by blacklight, I didn’t want to disturb the ambiance, so no pics. Sorry.

The WDF also sponsored a very successful blood drive. Unfortunately, some of us, by having served our country overseas, are no longer allowed to give blood. 🙁

Sue and Anna
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The lovely Mrs. Hansen with Anna in front of the Doctor Who party room. The entry was set up to look like the door of the TARDIS.

Anna and the Dalek
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Anna and the Dalek. No, you cannot exterminate my daughter!

This is an inflatable Dalek. Very cool toy. Kind of wish I had one.

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Another shot of the inflatable Dalek.

We now hear into Masquarade Land…

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Igor, from "Young Frankenstein".

Doctor Who and the Dalek
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Doctor Who and the Dalek. Okay, they were having way too much fun with the inflatible Dalek. Including a chase scene to the Benny Hill theme.

Be afraid, be very afraid
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Be afraid, be very afraid. Patrick as a Klingon all ready for bed.

This costume received "Best Theme" for Marscon (the theme was "Things that go bump in the night"). Patrick has been doing a number of theme based costumes in the Twin Cities for a number of years, and is always good for a few laughs. This one, however, was truly frightening.

Amadela and Leia
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Amadela and Leia, by Angie and Holly. They received "Best of Show."

The undiscovered Country
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The Undiscovered Country, by the Rakehell’s own, Qob, as the "Smiley of Death". Bill received an award for Best Journeyman, and deserved it.

Bill has also been costuming in the twin cities area and is top notch, and like Patrick, is always good for a laugh.

After the Masquarade, it’s back to party room…The IKV Rakehell won "Best Party Room" this year. The WDF put on a great show, however, as they won best party last year, they were eliminated from the competion.

Rakehell Party Room
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Rakehell Party Room…scaring the party goers.

Rakehell Party Room
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Rakehell Party Room. Mary.

Rakehell Party Room
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Rakehell Party Room. The Fearless Captain of the Rakehell.

Rakehell Party Room
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Rakehell Party Room. Even I get the "willies" in this room. Okay, this was when Patrick strolled into the room.

Patrick and Sqotty
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Patrick and Sqotty in the Rakehell Party Room.

Jet Pack
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This is a real, functioning, jet pack. It was loaned to the MarsCon Science Room for the con. It really works and costs more than a couple of grand for a few seconds of flight.

Jet Pack
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This is me in the jet pack. I want one!

The Super Family
Here we are as the Super Family. Okay, I had my arm twisted to do this one…but it was worth it.

There was a lot that went on at the con…autograph sessions with the guests, belly dancing during the Masquerade, including lessons, panels on variety of topics, as well as many fun parties (which I should have taken pictures of as well).

Also a lot of fun people and general silliness.

Check out my other reports on the con at:

Marscon 2006 Part 1

Marscon 2006 Part 2

If you have never before been to a MarsCon, consider coming out for it next year.

Meanwhile, stay tuned for the next convention report – BayCon, the Return of Sqotty MacKlingon.