Dakota County Fair

What a day..I just got home from spending the late afternoon and evening at th Dakota County Fair. This is the first year I have been able to make it out there, and I had a good time down there.

There was a demonstration of early fire fighting techniques…we’re talking late 19th century equipment; this was held in the Heritage Village at the Fair. The village even has an old fashion soda fountain and a post office, as well as talks on history.

The Army and related Guard units had various displays, including a rock climbing wall, an APC, a couple of humvees and the main section of a Huey Cobra gunship. Very cool.

This was followed by wandering around and chatting with various people, including Pat Garofalo, the State Rep for district 36B at the GOP booth.

County Fairs are so much fun to go to…hadn’t been to one in a long time, although I have made it to the Minnesota State Fair the last couple of years. If you haven’t been to a county fair in a while, look one up and go. They are a lot of fun. The one thing I didn’t get is the friends I was with commenting on it being crowded. Being from California, where the county fairs I have been to are about the size of the State Fair here, I guess it is all kind of relative.

Not much more to say…just a busy day between work and fun. Tomorrow will be a different story…