What’s this site all about, anyway?

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I started this site as a hobby, and it remains such to this day. It originally started out as “Sqotty MacKlingon’s Engine Room” back in August of 1995. To the best of my knowledge, I was one of the first Klingon sites (though not the first) on the WEB. It was mainly oriented to the activities of the San Francisco Bay Area KAG ships. Eventually, I renamed the site to the IKV Kowabunga of the Klingon Surfer Dudes and made it more non-club affiliated, although I an active member in KAG, currently on board the IKV Rakehell out of Minneapolis.

Next the site became a news and community forum for Trek and SF fans in general, and Klingon Fandom in particular. After eliminating forums and focusing on blogging, the site became more of a place for my musings, and convention reports.

Election year 2004, the site has taken on a political slant, and yes, I am a Bush supportor today, just as I was in 2000. I am not sure if politics will continue to be a part of the blog, however, since I was recently elected to office, it could happen. I am also becoming more active in the political scene, and being informed on the issues is of great importance. As such, I am using this as a forum to exercise my First Amendment Rights.

To this day, this site remains a hobby. So if you don’t see anything new on it for a few days at a time, it’s probably because I am busier than all get out with work, the dogs, the house, or pursuing one other interests.