2004 Yugo Award Winners Announced

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The Yugo Awards for 2004 were announced yesterday at Diversicon 12 in Bloomington Minnesota. The Yugo awards are given to the best books that SHOULD have been written. This years winners are:

For Non-Fiction: “The Starship Troopers Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams and Robert A. Heinlein.

This is the book withthe very comforting cover that says “Don’t Panic! We’ve Got Nuclear Weapons!” Relax with Rico’s Roughnecks as they knock down Pan Galactic Gargleblasters at Milliways, then travel with them as they nuke planets, making way for hyper-space bypasses.

Best SF and F: 7 of 9 is NOT a Sex Position by Jerri Ryan.

Read the Book, See the Movie: Battlefield Middle Earth by Elrond Hubbard.

This is the seminal classic recently adapted to the screen in a three film omnibus. Must see and must read.

The “Get A Life” Award: for achivements in collaborations, this year went to Bill Gates for his efforts on “Myths and Legends 6.0”, the buggy, er, undocumented features, version, co-authored with Edith Hamilton; and the very unusual novel “I, Reboot” with Isaac Asimov.

Some of the other nominees this year were:

“Bourne Free” by Elsa and Robert Ludlum
“Floral Arrangments of Gor” by Martha Stewart and John Norman
“Harry Potter and the Chamberpot of Secrets” by RK Rowling
“Tom Sawyer of Mars” by Mark Twain and Edgar Rice Burroughs
“Enemy Mime” an audio book by Marcel Marceau
“Ringworld According to Garp” by Larry Niven and John Irving
“Bourne of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien and Robert Ludlum “Conan in the Mist” by Dian Fossey and Robert E. Howard
“The Village People” by M. Night Shyamalan
“The Kzinti Identity” by Robert Ludlum and Larry Niven

There were numerous other books nominated, too many to list at this time.