No Surf!

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Stardate oh, wait, that’s pajama boy talk.

Received call from engineering. Running low on Mr. Zog’s Sex Wax. I told Makani to make arrangements with that Ferengi on Deep Space 9 for a hundred barrels. That should be enough to last through a month of Praxis scale surfing. Incredible how much of that stuff we go through in a week. It’s almost as though my engineer is eating the stuff. Or something.

Surf is flat throughout the quadrant, anyway, and the Duras sisters haven’t finished testing that new torpedo for me yet. Are they HOT!

No surf, no fun. I need a beer with a Tribble Sweat chaser. Why aren’t Klingon ships equipped like Kirk’s, with nubile yeomen, er, yeowomen, at hand. Make note, recruit more women for the ship for those surfless days.
