MarsCon Day 1

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Things are still a bit ofa blur, however, I had better get a bit down be for my mind turns to mush.

I arrived at the hotel for MarsCon at about 4 o’clock, picked up my membership badge, then stalked around the dealers room. The dealers room for MarsCon may not be the largest (I have seen smaller), but there is some pretty neat stuff. This was just a quicky tour.

I then proceeded up to the party floor to see what I can do to help the various Klingon ship’s set up. These are the IKV Rakehell (KAG) and the IKV Warhammer (IKF). I dropped off supplies for both ships – various kinds of easter eggs – and a string of shotgun shell lights for the Warhammer.

By now, some of us were getting kind of hungry, so we went to the Imperial House of Gagh for chow call. besides,not much was happening at the con as yet.

By the time we returned, opening ceremonies was in full swing. The guests of honor were there, and performing some skit for Romm’s radio show.

Went back upstairs and got Klin’ed up for the evening. Besides, I had first shift on the Rakehell party room. Everyone ends up in the Rakehell party at some point. One of the main focul points of the con, at least on the party floor.

Meanwhile, downstairs on mainstage, Doctor Demento ran a broadcast for our listening pleasure.

I think that’s it for now. More later.