MarsCon Day 2 Part 2

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The saga conitnues…

Okay, so I had to leave to walk the dogs mid-afternoon. I made it back by about 6 o’clock, and was ready to rock. Put the garb back on.

Masquarade time. The pre-show was a gorup of belly dancers. Very nice preformance by them. Then Doctor Demento took center stage and MC’ed the Masquarade. I am not sure of the final count, however, I do remember some 14 entries.

Tri-Destiny, a vocal trio from Utah took the stage and provided us with half-time entertainment (Janet Jackson could take some lessons from them on how it is done right!), delighting all there with there beautiful voices and wonderful songs.

At this point, I had to duck out to help with final party room prep. So, I don’t know who one. Sorry.

Party Time!

Repeated cruising of the party floor, hitting all the room parties, and socializing here and there. Lot’s of good parties, kareoke, and of course, the IKV Rakehell doing the 4077th K*L*A*S*H, Klingon Light Assualt Surgical Hospital, we fix the ones we smack.

Late in the evening, a war broke out on the party floor, using tribbles as the weapons of choice. All though no injuries were reported, more than a few had a tribble bop them on the nose. Of course, the Klingons won, forcing the guys in jammies to surrender.

That’s it for this installment.