West and East Perspective of Komet Hale-Bopp

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Comet Hale-Bopp delighted the skies this past spring, with a wonderful light show enjoyed by people both near and far.

These photos was taken by that mighty warrior Kestrel, Wild Woman of the North, from her parents backyard in Maine.
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Comet jpeg

Below are photos taken by the Kilted One, Scotty MacKlingon (hey, that’s me).

Taken on the evening of April 5th, 1997, from Fremont Peak, south of San Juan Betista, using Fujochrome 1600 and an f2 50mm lens. Exposure time, long enough.
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Comet jpeg

copyright 1997 Todd C. Hansen and Vera Maheu, respectively, all rights reserved
photos by Todd C. Hansen, Vera Maheu